Factory project “Åkes Äkta Hönokaka” – 2017


Åkes Åkta Hönökaka

Brief description
When the spring of 2017 began to melt frozen grounds a new project started. This time the challenge was create a proposal of how a factory could develop and design its existing building in order to provide their workers with nicer environment but also increase their production capacity. Well begun is half done. To create a good foundation for our project we started to make a research about the different organs and factors composing the factory. Work flow, sunlight, sound and communication between different rooms were a few of these factors.

In order to build a greater understanding about what our clients really wanted several workshop was arranged where we could communicate with a physical model but also ask questions about general changes and their consequences.

After that our project formed in individual groups and took shape after unique ambitions and goals.





Factory Project “Åkes Äkta Hönökaka” – 2017
Date: 2017
Artist: Martin, Embla, Josefina, Becca (Rebecca Johansson)
Photographer by the workshop event: Matts Heijl

Posters (In English/in Swedish)


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